Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cecelia: 4 months old

Cece girl is four months old today! I feel like she has grown and changed a lot in the past month or two.

The reason I didn't post a three month update is that Cecelia was diagnosed and treated for a lip and tongue tie right around that time (a whole post about that forthcoming) so that's all that was on my mind in Cece land! She's doing great, but I'll leave the rest for another post.

We give Cece between six and ten extra ounces of milk a day between regular nursing sessions, some formula and some expressed breast milk. She had lost a little weight at her two month appointment (likely caused by the lip and tongue tie), so I've been working hard to get some weight on this girl! The hope is that with the mouth problems resolved, she should start stimulating more milk production and nursing more effectively, so we shouldn't have to supplement for long.

Today Cecelia hit 10 lbs, 10 oz, so she has gained about a pound in the last month. Yippee! She still has a long way to go (hello 1st percentile), but I'm happy with progress. She is actually tall for her age!

What she's up to:
-Drooling. All. The. Time (no, she is not teething). She is skilled at blowing spit bubbles.
-Chewing on her hands
-Alternately smiling and crying at people
-Rolling onto her belly then getting mad that she's on her belly
-Reaching for things
-Pulling my hair
-Waking up 2-3 times a night to eat (which I am pretty OK with because more eating = more weight gain)
-Just starting to take naps in her bed!!! Two great naps today!
-Sometimesquawks a conversation with her dinosaur squawks
-Generally deals well with her brothers constantly all up in her face
-Eyes are possibly changing color?? To be decided
-Loves being outside. She actually fell asleep on me with zero work from me out on the porch swing today!

We are enjoying Cecelia's (generally) more positive and content attitude these days... we think giving her more food has made her more amiable ;) I can relate.

Cece got to meet her cousin, Ellie! Hurray! Ellie is going to be a big sister soon; her little sister is due in December! I'm happy Cecelia will have a little cousin her age to play with :)

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