Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Millersburg Surprise Birthday Vacation and Easter

On the Thursday morning before Easter, I woke up and walked out of my room and immediately noticed a suitcase with a note on top. Nathan had left instructions for me to pack a bag for three nights... we were going on a trip for my birthday! He didn't tell me where we were going, so that afternoon when we left (Robin and Larry kept all the kids!), I had no clue what the weekend had in store!

It turned out our destination was Millersburg, Ohio, which is the heart of Amish country. Nathan had booked a room at the beautiful Inn at Honey Run (Groupon!), and it was so relaxing and peaceful. We spent a fair bit of time just hanging out in bed watching Pushing Daisies. Ahhh.

We had so much fun exploring the little towns in the area. We found an adorable olde tyme soda fountain and shared a phosphate. We also really enjoyed browsing a big craft mall and several antique stores. It was a little tricky to find things that were open because of the holiday weekend, but we had a blast regardless.

An awesome woodworking and antique tool store my dad would love!

We visited a farm and Amish market which had the biggest horse I've ever seen, sheep and goats to pet, and lots of delicious baked goods. We brought home some treats for our family.

This was just a very low-key, relaxing vacation, which was exactly what we needed. I love spending alone time with my husband, so I'm really thankful that Robin kept our kids for us! Thank you, Nathan, for a truly wonderful birthday surprise!!


We got back in the afternoon on Easter Sunday, so we got to enjoy Easter dinner and an egg hunt with the family! What a great weekend.

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