Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Books of 2015

This was a BIG reading year for me! I discovered audio books on Hoopla, so I could listen to books while I cooked, watched the kids play outside, or whenever. I looove audio books, but before this year I'd only ever listened to them on road trips. Yay technology!

I read 29 books, or 9,296 pages. Here's the list, as copied from my Goodreads account:

Montgomery, L.M.

Several books this year were re-reads, including The Hunger Games trilogy and The Santa Papers. I honestly don't know if I've read Anne of Green Gables before, but I think I've just watched the movies.

I read a few non-fiction books this year, which I'm not always into. I would highly recommend Bringing Up Boys to anyone with sons, and think it's especially good for dads to read.

The worst book I read was The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The author is -literally- insane. She had some good concepts, but I just can't get past the crazy. Thankfully, it was short.

The best book I read... is harder to pick. I read a LOT of great books this year. I just love the Anne of Green Gables books(evidently, as I read 8 of them)... they are just lovely and every girl should read them. The Raven Boys was different and fun and I'm anxious to read the next book in the series when it comes out. The Hunger Games hurt so good. Steelheart was fun and horrible and wonderful and exciting.

I don't feel the need to flesh out a review for each of these books, but I'll just say it was a year of really good books, and I'm so happy to be back into the groove of reading. And I'm really thankful for audio books and the library! If you want to know any more about any of the books I read this year, please ask.

I have a few books on my "to read" list for 2016, but I need more recommendations! What should I read this year?

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