Friday, November 17, 2017

Hazel: 8 months

I went to catch up on blogging and found this already completed post that I forgot to post. Oops. So here ya go.

How time does fly! Eight months! I would say Hazel is getting big, but, true to Lambes form, she is a peanut. Hazel weighs somewhere around 13 lbs (according to our home scale) and is still in 0-3 month clothes. Ha! Despite that, she's happy, healthy, and developmentally on track.

She's eating three meals a day and nursing 3-4 times. She eats a TON of solid food... I honestly don't know how her stomach holds it all. She was really into Baby MumMums and Puffs for a few weeks, but she seems to be over it now. I think she's figured out that they're not real food...

This girl is a-movin'! She mostly army crawls, but sometimes crawls on her hands and knees. She's into everything, and I have to constantly be on the lookout for little things on the floor that she could choke on. Dead leaves that get tracked in are particularly enticing. 

Hazel pulled herself up to standing for the first time this month! I packed up the co-sleeper right after taking this picture and pulled out the big pack and play. She seems too teeny to be standing up!

She's also sitting up really well now. I finally feel comfortable setting her on the floor without surrounding her with pillows to prevent a head bonk. She still spends most of her time on her belly.

She's very popular among her siblings. Orion and Desy have decided they like to carry her around the house, and they've been helpful keeping her out of trouble. 

Hazel still sucks her thumb when she's sleepy :) It's adorable. Hazel has been going down for naps really well for a long time (lay her down and leave- she goes to sleep on her own), but she was getting up 3 or 4 times a night to nurse until last week. I finally got up the gumption to do night time sleep training. I was ready for the worst... but it was SO easy! She cried only a little the first night, and I haven't heard a peep out of her at night since. I guess she was ready!! YAY SLEEP!!! I'm hoping to move her in with Cece soon!

Her hair is kind of a dark blonde/light brown and her eyes are undecided. Right now they're brown in the middle and dark blue on the outside. We're still rooting for hazel... for obvious reasons. But whatever... have you ever seen a child so cute?!

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