Friday, October 6, 2017

Hazel: 5 months old

Month 5 was a very big one for this very tiny girl! She became a master roller and really started figuring out how to get where she wanted to go. We stopped swaddling her at night because of that, and she did well with the transition.

Hazel had some really rough days where she was fighting sleep HARD and was just generally cranky and tense, so I did some sleep training with her and it made a world of difference. She was physically so much more relaxed after getting good naps for a day (Really. It was striking.). It took about two days of CIO when I laid her down to sleep for naps and bedtime before she really caught on, but it is fabulous to be able to sing her a song (You Are My Sunshine), lay her down, and walk away. It's definitely a great benefit to her as well.

After about a month of using her pacifier, Hazel ditched it in favor of her thumb when we did sleep training! She's our first thumb sucker! It's suuuuper cute, though I know it'll be a challenge later on when she needs to quit! I love it for now :)

Hazel loves her daddy. And everyone. She's a very popular girl.

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