Friday, October 6, 2017

Hazel: 6 months old

Look at this happy girl! What a joy. We have so much fun talking and playing with this sweet girl. She likes to roll and scootch her way around the floor and chew on all of the things. 

Her eyes are definitely brown in the middle, but still blue on the outsides for now. Her hair has gotten lighter but is still darker than the other kids'. No teeth yet. 

We went to Whit's Frozen Custard on her half birthday. She loved it, of course. She grabbed the custard when I was taking this picture!

Here are the stats: 
Height: 26" (54%)
Weight: 12 lbs 12 oz (3%)
Head: 17.22" (88%)

So maybe she should eat more ice cream? Haha, par for the course. Hazel has definitely become interested in "big people food" and devours bites of whatever we give her. I made and froze a ton of baby food (butternut squash, sweet potatoes, peas, beans, carrots), but we haven't fed her much of it yet. We need to bring the high chair home. 

Hazel's favorite activities include dumping out the diaper basket all over the floor, chewing on anything she can find, getting stuck under the couch, eating, riding in the car, scratching my face, "talking," watching her siblings run around like crazy people, and sucking her thumb.

She falls asleep on her own for naps and bed time. She generally takes about three naps a day, and it's  a struggle to keep the other kids quiet. Right now she is getting up about three times a night to nurse. Thankfully, she falls right back to sleep when I lay her down, but I think overnight sleep training is in the near future. Remember when she used to sleep through the night when she was two or three months old??

Hazel isn't crawling yet, but gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. She's not sitting up on her own yet either. Both are right around the corner!! Wow!

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