Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cecelia's 5th Birthday

Cece Bird is five! It doesn't even seem weird that she's getting that big, because it really feels like she's always been around! It's hard to remember life before Cece.

All she wanted for her birthday was Barbies... which is not my thing... but hey, it's her birthday, not mine, and she was thrilled to get her dolls.

We were planning Cece's party on a Saturday, so on her actual birthday we went out to eat and got cookies for dessert, and then went swimming at a friend's pool! It was a really fun day.

For her party, her grandparents were unable to make it so we got together with friends instead and Cece had a super fun day. She wanted a butterfly cake, so I Cece'd it up with loads of sprinkles.

What she's up to: 
-Cece is SUPER active and honestly never sits still. She is solid lean muscle and is so strong.
-She's very girly and loves all things sparkly... she likes unicorns, makeup, princesses, pink, and anything else "girl" that you could imagine.
-However, she's also a wild animal. She always has crazy hair because she's constantly rolling around on her head, she climbs on everything, and she's generally just kind of wild. She has definitely toned down a bit in the last year, but she's still a little wild creature.
-She loves to go outside, do crafts or paint, watch TV, do anything involving water, reading, helping.
-GUM. This child is seriously addicted to gum. 
-Eating all the time. She's never not hungry. She's also not picky which is super nice.
-She still likes to act/talk like a baby sometimes.
-Cece continues to be a very heavy sleeper and almost always sleeps all night without a peep.
-She's the tallest of all my kids for her age... I need to take her in for a checkup and am curious to see where she falls on the growth chart. (As of August, she's 44 lbs, 44", and 70th percentile in both!)
-She is a total Mama's girl and always wants to be close to me. She often wants help even with things she can do herself.
-Slowly learning letters and numbers (poor neglected third child). She'll be in kindergarten this fall!

Her interview: 
What's your name? Cece
Whatd dayis your birthday? I don't know
How old are you? 5 
What's your favorite color? Pink and purple  
Favorite number? 3
Favorite letter? I don't know what letters are
Favorite shape? Circles 
Favorite food? Cereal 
Favorite candy? Gum suckers 
Favorite game? Potion Explosion 
Favorite movie? The Last Unicorn 
Favorite TV show? Boss Baby 
Favorite book: The fox book  
What do you want to be when you grow up? A princess 
What is your Daddy's job? To work 
What is Mama's job? To make food 
Favorite place to go? Ra's and Papa's house for Easter  
Favorite restaurant? My favorite restaurant is Noodles and Company 
Favorite animal? Zebras.  I mean giraffes.
Do have any brothers or sisters? Desy and Orion and Hazel. And you, Mommy. You're a Mama sister. 
Any pets? Enzo  
Favorite song? Happy  
Favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry and vanilla  
Who is your best friend? Nana and Papa  
Favorite cereal? Mini wheats  
Favorite thing to do outside? Play on the trampoline with sprinklers and the pool and the slippery slide  
Favorite drink? Pop  
What toys do you like to take to bed with you? My giant puppy 
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas. I love Christmas because we get to go on sleds.  
What are you good at? Playing princesses  
Who is the coolest person ever? You and Daddy and Papa and Ra and Nana and Papa and Ellie 
Favorite toy? My unicorn 
What makes you happy? Playing princesses with you. And playing with baiol polish to play princesses. 
What makes you sad? When people don't play with me  
What are you scared of? The dark  
What is your super power?  Laser eyes and ballerina

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