My dad and I successfully ran the Germantown 5K on Saturday! My only goal was to run the whole thing (no walking), and I achieved that goal! My buddy Kaylee, who ran it with me last year, ran with us too. I finished in 35:45, which is just about the same as my other 5K results... slow and steady ;) Hey, at least I'm consistent!
Race Results
About to cross the finish line!
As a big surprise, I got a medal for finishing in third place in my age group (and gender), and my dad got second in his! Please ignore the fact that we were beaten by a 7 year old and a 78 year old... ha!!
I also won a pedicure and a TJ Chumps gift card (well, dad won the card and gave it to me) as door prizes! Sweet!
Thanks again for running with me, Dad; I couldn't have done it without you!!
That was fun, we'll have to run another 5k again sometime.
I've been meaning to comment on this for days and keep forgetting! ;) what I wanted to say was, I am very impressed with your use of a ";"..Semicolon.... Right? Did i even spell that right?! Haha. I am not an english person at all.. If you can't tell ;) see! I used one! But to make a winking smiley face. Haha. Doing English with jake is getting me caught up on what I forgot from school..
Hahaha you crack me up, Amanda :P I do have a degree in English... using semicolons on my blog is all it's being used for ;)
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