Monday, February 1, 2010

I got my sticker!

YES! I did it! I finished the first day of week 4 of Couch-to-5K today! I'm so proud of me :) I ran 3, 5, 3, 5 minutes with little walking breaks in between. That's almost two miles! I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do it again two more times to finish out the week, then next week I think I have to run a mile in one go!! Eek! I'm pretty excited to be able to do that. But I'm going to continue to take my time and slow down the program if I need to... obviously that worked for me this week. Feelin' good!

Nathan and I are having a LOST party tomorrow... just wait til you see the nerdiness we have in store...

Be sure to check out Nathan's post below! Ciao!


becca said...

I'm very proud of you.

I should make a sticker chart for my workouts. That might motivate me.

Katie said...

great job with the running! are you running on a treadmill? i've been running outside or on a track and tried a treadmill the other day... i thought it was a lot more difficult!

Rachel said...

Thanks becca :) Yeah, the sticker chart really motivates me! My sister-in-law just started one after she saw mine ;)

Katie: Yep, I'm running on a treadmill. I'm a little anxious about transitioning to running outside- I hear it's hard!!

rachel said...

Running outside is much more interesting than running inside. More to look at than the little screen that tells you how good/bad your doing. Weather's a factor of course, but I enjoy being able to see people walking their dogs, and feeling the wind. Just make sure that you dress right. I wear footless knee socks on my arms because my body gets warm but the rest of my gets uber cold.

Unknown said...

I left a comment here yesterday but it didn't take for some reason!

Hip, hip huzzah for you! Gold star for you!

A "LOST" party could be fun! Make sure to post photos!