Friday, January 27, 2017

Orion turned 7... a while ago.

We celebrated Orion's birthday while we were in Louisiana for Thanksgiving, along with all the other fall and winter birthdays! We ate ice cream cake and had a great time with family!

I totally forgot to do Orion's birthday interview, so here it is... only a couple months late!

What's your name? Orion
What day is your birthday? November 19th
How old are you? 7
What's your favorite color? Blue
Favorite number?1000
Favorite letter? D
Favorite shape? Square
Favorite food? Hotdogs
Favorite candy? Jelly beans
Favorite game? Battle Block Theater
Favorite movie? Star Wars
Favorite TV show? Doctor Who
Favorite book: The Encyclopedia of the Human Body
What do you want to be when you grow up? A worker for McDonald's
What is your Daddy's job? Working at the Salvation Army office
What is Mama's job? To watch us. Take care of us.
Favorite place to go? Sam's Club
Favorite restaurant? Sam's Club
Favorite animal? Tiger
Do have brothers or sisters? Desy, Cece, and Hazel
Any pets? A cat and a fish
Favorite song? Meant to Live
Favorite ice cream flavor? Twist
Who is your best friend? God
Favorite cereal? Raisin Bran
Favorite thing to do outside? Play soccer
Favorite drink? Gateraid 
What toys do you like to take to bed with you? The seahorse and that unicorn
What's your favorite holiday? My birthday
What are you good at? Soccer
Who is the coolest person ever? God
Favorite toy? Snap Circuits
What makes you happy? Playing video games for half an hour
What makes you sad? When anyone dies
What are you scared of? Weeping Angels
What's your super power? Being a good goalie in soccer

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