Thursday, November 12, 2009

39 1/2 Week Appointment

Weeelll... my cervix is a fingertip dilated, high, and thick... soo... it's looking very likely that I will be pregnant forever.

Non-Stress Test (to monitor contractions and baby's heart rate and movement to make sure he's doing OK) Monday.

Maybe he'll be a Thanksgiving baby after all?


Unknown said...

Sounds all too familiar!

We will all be very thankful for his birth but not so much as you are!

Amanda said...

Oh really?!.. sorry.... but your "I'm going to be pregnant forever" just made me laugh... cause I know you sooo do feel like that at the end... My appt. got moved to Monday morning.. so we'll see then if I've progressed at all too... hey!.. I told ya!.. If you go a little late.. and I go a little early... we will be in their together! We'll be the "two crazy ladies having babies naturally"... I'll just have the doula run back and forth from me to you! :) Don't worry.. you'll get there :)

Katie said...

aww, i'm sure you won't be "pregnant forever"... i keep checking blogs (yours and your parents) and email for news!!

i responded to your comment on my blog :-)