Sunday, March 28, 2010

Best Buddies

We're fortunate enough to be part of an awesome church that offers nursery during Sunday School and church services! That means that Orion gets to hang out with lots of other babies every week which I think will be awesome for him as he grows up and gets used to playing with others. Here he is with his buddy Ben who's only 8 days younger than Orion. They got to know each other today :)

Holding hands! Orion looks pretty happy about that... haha! Ben's wondering what's wrong with that goofy kid.

Caleb is their buddy too even though he's almost a year older. I think he liked watching the little ones wiggle around and coo to each other.

So much cuteness :)


Unknown said...

Wow! He already has a ton of friends! Such cute photos!

Amanda said...

Awww.. that IS a lot of cuteness :) They can say when they grow up.."We have pictures of us together in the nursery, AND in utero!"(sp?) lol.. the belly pic :) Caleb looks huge sitting beside them.. lol.. I think it's the angle of the camera, or the fact that he's sitting.. or maybe the fact that he's one :) Anywho.. the 3 of them will be best buds :)If you print any of them out.. make me a copy please :) I will put in in his baby book on the "my first friend" page :)

Rachel said...

Aw, that's a good idea- I will try to print them soonish.