Thursday, August 18, 2011

All smiles

Desmond is learning to smile! He's especially happy right after he wakes up... if you lay him on the floor and lay with him and give him a big smile he'll smile right back. Sooo cute :)

Brothers! These are the adorable matching outfits my friend Amanda got for them. This is Orion being "nice." I promise Des isn't crying even though it kinda looks like it here :P I could not get Orion to pose for a picture.

Quick Orion update: he knows all of his letters and can count to five. Wow. He's so big...

More smiles from the little guy!

Look how strong he's getting! I was surprised how high he could lift his head when lying on his tummy. He's ready to take off and chase his brother.

Desmond slept eight hours straight last night!! I can't imagine that he'll do it again any time soon, but it was so surprising and amazing! I got more uninterrupted sleep than usual so I felt way more rested today than I expected. Des is still sleeping in his car seat for both night time and naps. Sometimes he goes down easily and sometimes he really fights. Thankfully he goes right back to sleep after eating during the night. Amaaaazing :)

Nathan, Desmond, and I got back yesterday from camping with the youth group for 3 nights in Hocking Hills. We are soooo worn out! My legs are really sore from all the hiking we did and Nathan is just exhausted from working so hard. It was a fun trip though and I think the kids enjoyed it. Desmond was so good... he slept a ton and was a good hiking buddy.

It has been a crazy couple weeks so hopefully we find some time to relax soon! Sorry for the lack of info in this post, but at least I gave you pictures! ;)


Sadie VK said...

You are amazing to take that little baby camping! And you look great! Look at your little legs in those shorts!!

Loved all the smiling pictures. What sweet boys. :-)

Amanda said...

Oh my. Too many things to comment on! :) that first picture of him is too cute!!! I never see him "in person" with his eyes beautiful :)
Of course I love the outfits..
And I'm sorry, what? Did you say o can count to 5 and knows all his letters? Haha. That's a first child for ya! That's awesome! Lol. See? Homeschooling already! :)
Good job o!
And, 8 hours?! Go Des! Thank goodness he is your second baby.. :) If you'd been spoiled with him and THEN had Orion with HIS sleeping habits, lol, you'd a been a little shocked. Haha. That's what I say about Jake and the other 2... Jake= never ever slept. Nate and b= sleep :) glad I had the "non sleeper" first!
Oh. One more thing. You're not allowed to post skinny pictures of yourself this soon after having a baby ;) and in shorts?! I'm jealous. Lol. But, you look amazing! I think we need a comparison photo of 40 weeks and now.. It's just amazing how fast you've dropped it! And I think that was by they time he was 2 weeks!
Good post :) I should have just sent you an email! Haha

Unknown said...

Such cute photos of very cute boys! (the pic of you is good too)

Des looks so serious. Must have a lot on his mind.