Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Desmond - 8 months old - and February

My little one is 8 months old already! He's getting so big! ...I don't know how big exactly because he's not due for a checkup for another month, but I think he's growing very well.

He was sick this last week... had a pretty bad fever for about 3 days, then as soon as the fever went away and he started acting a little happier he broke out in a rash! Thankfully that meant it was just Roseola, and the rash went away within a couple days and he's finally back to his old happy self. It was so nice to hear him laugh a lot today after a lot of grumpy days.

Desmond got his first tooth! I'm wondering if the one beside it will pop through soon too. He's starting to scoot forward a little so I think he'll crawl before too long. Right now he can get most everywhere by rolling :P

Being sick really screwed up his sleep, but even before that he was waking up at least once a night. Usually twice. Still not sure what the best plan is to get him to sleep through the night.


Sorry I haven't posted in a month! Shameful, I know. So let's flash back...

This is the blanket fort I made for Nathan on Valentine's Day. We had a fancy picnic inside. Nathan loved it :)

Orion loved it too. When he saw the fort he said, "Wow! It's so nice!" Haha, not sure where he got that phrase but it was hilarious.

And these are the flowers Nathan got for me. He picked out each flower himself. I loved them :)

The boys and I made these Valentines. I totally stole the idea from Pinterest :P But I made it unique by using both boys' footprints instead of just one. I think it turned out so cute.

We have started the potty training game. I just decided to set O on the potty one day and was shocked when he actually peed! And that first day he pooped on the potty twice! Since then he will pee whenever you put him on the potty but has only pooped like twice. I need to get better about remembering his schedule and getting him on there! I don't think he really understands what it feels like to have to use the bathroom and that he needs to go/ask to go on the potty. But at least I know he can make himself go voluntarily. We'll get there.

This is just Orion being a goober face.

And Desy being cute :)

Reading :)


In other news, I recently registered to be a Thirty-One consultant! My first party is on Thursday and I'm both excited and nervous. I'm sure it'll go fine, I'm just anxious to see where it will go from there. I'm really hoping a couple guests will want to host parties of their own... the rewards for hosting are pretty great. If you don't know what Thirty-One is, it's a faith-based company that sells bags and accessories. I have a link in the sidebar on the right where you can read about the company and see the catalog.

One of our turtles, Pomelo, died during the night (he's the top turtle in the picture). We have three turtles... Pomelo was always the smallest and the prettiest. We think he may not have been getting enough to eat because of being in competition with the bigger turtles. He was about 4 years old. Goodbye, Pomelo... we'll miss you!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Ok...so.. I already commented on everything from your blog last night in person :) But, just wanted to add your camera takes awesome pictures! Oh.. and post the cookie recipe. Please. haha..I'll make them AFTER Matt and Jackies wedding.. haha